Quick Scientific Reports (QSR)
Quick Scientific Reports (QSR) Teaching Software as a Service
$4,500.00★ QSR provides an excellent means for learners to practice writing, reviewing, and rewriting.
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★ QBook Writing Center can quickly cloud auto grade and regrade a large number of assignments and provide feedback, resulting in easing teachers’ grading burden. Teachers can then focus more on providing consultation on overall contextual feedback. This system enables learners to develop and expand knowledge of words and word meanings to increase vocabulary, strengthen syntactic and semantic skills, and enhance critical thinking skills.
★ QSR’s error type frequency tracking feature can be used for instructional developments, teaching evaluations, and researches.
This package includes:
A. Unlimited teacher accounts (permanent authorization)
B. 200 QSR learner accounts (unlimited authorization for a one-year period per account)
C. 200 Quick Scientific Reports
System Login Page (QBook Writing Center)
QSR Teacher Manual
QSR Learner Manual
QBook Writing Center App
About QBook Writing Center