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Quick English Sentences (QES) Learning Software as a Service (1/2 year subscription)


Quick Overview

This package includes:
A. 1 QES account (half year subscription)
B. 1 Quick English Sentences: Writing Effective Sentences and Paragraphs

System Login Page (QBook Writing Center)
QES Teacher Manual
QES Learner Manual
QBook Writing Center App
About QBook Writing Center

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Features of QES include:

  • Redrafting and process writing are enabled. This improves learning and achieves the goals of learning by doing, doing by learning, and improving through doing. This system enables learners to develop and expand knowledge of words and word meanings to increase vocabulary, strengthen syntactic and semantic skills, and enhance critical thinking skills.
  • QES is totally online, in the cloud, no need to install or download software.
  • For any assignment that is due within the next two days, QBook Writing Center will automatically send you an email reminder.
  • Interface language is interchangeable at any time for a localized experience or to practice more English use; you can also pick your own theme.
  • According to the situational needs of teaching, the system enables teachers to allow or disallow students to paste text from other programs or to share homework and feedback.
  • Teachers can set required minimum words in the body, and the system allows students to write as many words as they want.
  • Students can complete assignments from anywhere, no need to use a computer lab because work can be accessed through any wireless connection, such as smartphones, tablets, and notebooks.
  • All work is automatically saved and turned in to the teacher, no need to upload, email, or print out homework.
  • QES can quickly cloud auto grade a large number of assignments/reassignments and provide feedback, resulting in easing teachers’ grading burden. Teachers can then focus more on providing consultation on overall contextual feedback.
  • Big Data Analytics: Available error statistics for each assignment enable the individual learner to accurately target weaknesses to improve.
    Learners can collect, track, and analyze their own writing details, helping to understand and overcome learning bottlenecks.
  • Frequently used teacher feedback, comments, and notes are stored for each teacher to easily insert into student work at any time, reducing grading time and effort. This individualized teacher feedback is fully customizable.
  • Learners can practice writing:
    A. Six Basic Sentence Patterns
    1. Subject + Complete Intransitive Verb (S_Vi)
    2. Subject + Incomplete Intransitive Verb + Subject Complement (S_Vi_SC)
    3. Subject + Complete Transitive Verb + Object (S_Vt_O)
    4. Subject + Incomplete Transitive Verb + Object + Object Complement (S_Vt_O_OC)
    5. Subject + Double-object Verb+ Indirect Object + Direct Object (S_Vd_IO_DO)
    6. Subject + Double-object Verb + Direct Object + Preposition + Indirect Object (S_Vd_DO_Prep_IO)
    B. Sentence Types
    1. Simple Sentence
    2. Complex Sentence
    3. Compound Sentence
    4. Compound-Complex Sentence
    5. Sentence Exercise
    6. Sentence Practice
    7. Topic Sentence
    8. Supporting Sentence
    9. Concluding Sentence
    C. Paragraphs
    1. Argumentation
    2. Cause and Effect
    3. Comparison and Contrast
    4. Definition
    5. Description
    6. Exemplification
    7. Journal
    8. Monthly Journal
    9. Weekly Journal
    10. Narration
    11. Opinion
    12. Persuasion
    13. Problem-solution
    14. Process
    15. Travel
    D. Others
    1. Quiz
    2. Midterm Exam
    3. Final Exam
    4. CEE
    5. GEPT
    6. Other Composition Type
    7. Exercise (Units 1~17)
  • Each writing type can be used in up to nine different assignments per class.
  • Each writing type includes Help Notes, containing built-in writing guidelines on writing style, content, and format with examples to guide learners in practicing writing.
  • QES provides a Help Video with a 60-second demonstration on every page.
  • All learners can practice writing simultaneously.
  • This system increases the instructional value of the teacher's effort. After teacher assessment, learners can view others' contents, grades, and teacher feedback; in fact, learners can learn by seeing what others have done.

Table of Contents:
Part I Eight Parts of Speech
Unit 1 Noun
Unit 2 Pronoun
Unit 3 Adjective
Unit 4 Verb
Unit 5 Adverb
Unit 6 Preposition
Unit 7 Conjunction
Unit 8 Interjection
Part II Types of Clauses
Unit 9 Independent Clause
Unit 10 Subordinate Clause: Noun Clause, Adjective Clause, and Adverb Clause
Part III Types of Sentences
Unit 11 Simple Sentence: Six Basic Sentence Patterns
Unit 12 Compound Sentence
Unit 13 Complex Sentence
Unit 14 Compound-Complex Sentence
Part IV Paragraph Structure
Unit 15 Topic Sentence
Unit 16 Supporting Sentence
Unit 17 Concluding Sentence
Part V Paragraph Rhetorical Structures
Unit 18 Argumentation
Unit 19 Cause and Effect
Unit 20 Comparison and Contrast
Unit 21 Definition
Unit 22 Description
Unit 23 Exemplification
Unit 24 Journal
Unit 25 Narration
Unit 26 Opinion
Unit 27 Persuasion
Unit 28 Problem-Solution
Unit 29 Process

Download the EBook:
First, click My Account at the top right corner of the screen. Second, on the right side of the order number, click View Order. The screen will show the order is completed. Click the Remaining Download line at the bottom of the product name. After that, use the email you use to log into QBook as the password to download the EBook.

After registering at the QBook Writing Center (//writingcenter.qbook.org), you can log into the QBook Writing Center and practice writing anytime and anywhere.

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Subscription Plans 6 Month